(Disclaimer: I do not eat Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, or Low-Carb. I don’t focus on Raw foods & I’m not a once-a-day Smoothie girl. I focus on quality ingredients, REAL FOOD (including butter, bread, & bacon), and desserts that rock. Some of the recipes I link to may fall in any of the above categories and that’s okay. I believe in a balance of ALL foods and appreciate recipes from all types of bloggers.)
If you’re new here, you may want to get caught up on how I do meal planning. If you are a die-hard reader bordering on stalker, then let’s just get right to it!
We don’t plan lunches because I make double-sized dinners so we can eat leftovers the next day. I save myself time by turning dinner cleanup into packing the next day’s lunch boxes and let’s face it, life is just plain easier when you only have to worry about providing a healthy breakfast & dinner! Real food can be easy! Let’s begin, shall we?
Apple Smoothies
Leftovers from the weekend, farmer’s market finds, & sandwiches
Grilled Greek Pork with Baked Sweet Potatoes
Baked Avocado with Egg, Basil, & Parmesan
LEFTOVERS from Sunday dinner.
Shepherd’s Pie
Chocolate Stuffed Pumpkin Pancakes
LEFTOVERS from Monday dinner.
Italian Spiced Beef with Roasted Sweet Potato and Corn Salad
Blueberry Scones with Raw milk & in-season fruit.
LEFTOVERS from Tuesday dinner.
Kale, White Bean, and Sausage Stew
Paleo Pumpkin Granola with Homemade Yogurt
LEFTOVERS from Wednesday dinner.
Huevos Rancheros with Mexican Chipotle Slaw
Fried eggs with Apple, Leek, and Bacon Sausages
LEFTOVERS from Thursday dinner.
Homemade Pizza & Homemade Soda
Roasted Pepper Quiche Cups
LEFTOVERS from Friday dinner.
Snack choices this week: Raw cheese, Fruit, Homemade Apple Dips
Desserts this week: Raspberry & Honey Goat Cheese Tartlets
Why so many grain free recipes? Can one lose weight and still eat properly prepared grains everyday?
I try to keep a variety of dishes here. I absolutely eat grains:)
Hi DaNelle
First of all I just want to say that your are my inspiration to eat better! I read your book like I read my Bible. it is my food bible.
I just have a question:
Lunch time is leftover meal. Do you double the previous night’s recipe? Or is there always leftovers after a meal?
Thanks again for a great website!
Thank you!! I tend to have leftovers because there’s only 4 of us in our family 🙂