Cue twangy down home on the farm country music.
Okay, so maybe we don’t have twangy banjo music playing constantly on our farm (hey, that’s not a bad idea), but other than that, we’re pretty legit.
This month marks our 5 year anniversary on our backyard farm/1 acre oasis in the city. Over the years we’ve had milking goats, egg-laying chickens, meat chickens, meat lambs & goats, fruit trees, nut trees, and a whole lotta vegetable growin’.
And it only took 672 hours (& a make out session or two) to convince my husband to agree to it all! Score!
Yep, we’re the weird ones on the street.
And proud of it! Providing a large portion of our food has been so rewarding! Milk, eggs, meat, fruits, vegetables, nuts. We’re living the dream, man.
Today I’ve decided to share with ya’ll (see, I’m gettin’ that country twang) our backyard farm on video! It’s about to get all crazy up in heyah! Enjoy!
Hi DaNelle,
I came across your website today and I must say it’s one of my luckiest days ever. I’m an Aussie from Mediterranean background, so to me MILK means goat and sheep! I am delighted to say that you and I share exactly the same passions and way of life, and it’s a great passion to share among neighbours (you know, only a few thousand miles away 🙂
I still don’t have my farm yet, but used to have one back in Lebanon (6 dairy goats and 40sh chooks and a few roosters), so I know what it feels like to have fresh nutritious produce in your fridge to put on the table for your kids. There’s nothing more rewarding in life than this feeling, hey? Not having a farm, though, does not stop us from seeking the freshest cleanest food, including, yes you guessed it, good old goat milk and cheese.
I will happily sign in to your newsletter, and I hope we stay in touch, and if you happen to visit our beautiful country down under, let me know ( I live in Canberra, and my family will be happy to meet yours and share some stories).
PS: my website above is not for my farm (yet), but I happen to be a nature photographer as well, and nature is one, whether on farm or out in the wild, so I thought you might enjoy some of my pictures.
Cheers, Marwan
Thanks for sharing, Marwan!
i just found your video and I love it. You are definitely living my dream. I have five laying hens and am on my second garden. I’m trying to add on slowly but man I’m ready to add some meat rabbits and raise some meat chickens too. Have you considered rabbit or quail to up your meat from 50%? Those are usually ok to have in places as they are considered pets.There is a lot of garden space but if you start growing more things vertically you could get a lot more from the space.
getting ready to move to 2.5 acres and this was really helpful! thanks!
Thanks so much for your video. I really liked the imprefectness of it all… I’ve been slowly inching my way toward micro-homesteading for a while. We are moving out of own townhouse (oddly placed patio with no sunlight led to dissapointing attempts at growing anything)… we’ll be renting a farmhouse (hopefully) on the edge of a small town between our jobs. We’re far from raising animals but the landlords are open to small raised beds. I keep seeing pictures of these great beds bursting with produce and green pastures with picturesque animals… I needed a reality check! Your video provided that. It was real and honest and down-to-earth (literally)! And it resonated so wonderfully with me in all of its imperfect wonder that I realized… yep I really do want to do this! Thanks again and happy growing!
Thanks Tirzah!
Hi DaNelle,
I just Loved your farm video, I always wanted a farm myself. I Love goats and Chickens !!
I appreciate your right to live off of them, However. I could not do it myself. Other than the eggs, but not the Milk or killing them, No no no !!! But I completely respect your right !!!!
I Love all animals & your energy, So I too was not bothered at all by the pups in the beginning. In fact they are adorable !!!! I would say I think I saw a bare foot in your video ( meaning I thinking I saw Your barefoot) lol, anyway, when my daughter was in Ag in HS, and was raising her animals, 4 different breeds, anyway, there was another girl in her class, who constantly showed up to the barn in shorts, Tank top and flip flops !!! Anyway, she had the most a horrible case of Staff I eve seen, and I work in the hospital as a Radiographer, anyways, It is Very Extremely difficult to get rid off. Soo, While you may or may not think its safe to walk around barefoot, thinking you can just hose off a little chicken poop, No big deal, However, we all have tiny cranks, micro cuts in the skin, that are absolutely the pathway to our blood stream. So this stuff is Nasty, and I just didn’t know if you were aware of the danger of it getting into your bloodstream. Also, I don’t think they make an essential oil for that. Lol Sorry, I was just kinda joking there..
I hope you dont mind my warning you. Not meant to be rude or mean in anyway.
I also am very intrigued by the essential oils . Yumm, I bet they smell amazing.
Anyway, Thanx again
I am loving your blog! Just found it from your interview on GNOWFGLINS. Great job with everything. We’ve been doing the small homestead thing for the past 6 years or so. It is always a work in progress! I really want to re-do some things as, like you with your coop, you find out *after* you start using things what works for you and what doesn’t.
As for the goat getting his head stuck. I am wondering if it is a Boer thing? Ha, ha! We have alpine/nubians, but our neighbor has Boers and he had one in particular that for months kept getting its head stuck! Thanfully for him we are home most of the time! Here in NC the sun can get brutal come summer time. We would hear his goat yelling, and go down to see it stuck.
Thanks for stopping by! It probably is a Boer thing, haha!
OMg! I loved this video! The puppies at the begging are soooo cute and the goat getting his head stuck was the funniest thing I have ever seen! I’m sending this to my boyfriend so he can have a better idea of why I can’t stop ranting about goats and chickens. Your farm is beautiful!!! I love that everything is makeshift. It does look like paradise!!! Wonderful thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you Raquel!
Ha! I love how your chickens are “helping” you and I can’t wait to see Lacey’s babies! Thanks for sharing your set-up with us- realistically, stepping in poop, and stuck goat and all 🙂
Haha, darn chickens!
May I suggest pot belly pigs. The hanging weight would obviously be smaller however most cities consider them to be pets and it is less meat to make room for in the freezer at one time. It might be a loop hole.
My found year old watched this with me, and he won’t stop saying, “who hates pigs?! who hates pigs?!”
Just wanted to say that I loved this video. It’s nice to actually see how big an acre is. I mean, I know the exact numbers and all, but it’s nice to actually see it. I was wondering if your property size involves the front yard and the bit of land the house is on, or is it just the back yard? I’ve wanted to get into homesteading for a while now- right now I live in an apartment and go to my dad’s house for some of my veggies. I’ve been looking for a place to move where they aren’t as strict on the laws for chickens and such. Personally I’d like to be able to raise my own turkey and ham if I can help it..
Thanks for the video! Loved the pups in the beginning, very sweet looking dogs!
Can you post details on how you converted the crib to a goat hay manger? So ready to do that with my daughter’s old crib! 🙂
Yes, I’ll put up a tutorial soon!
I basically just took the crib, placed a piece of wood on the bottom crate, then threw the hay in there. I put boards on the sides at first, but we’re going to remove them. The space between the slats are perfect!
Gosh, go easy on the gal! It’s a gutsy move to show the world your backyard (much less your fridge–that was a great post, too!). Great backyard set up, by the way! My hubby watched the video with me and he’s ready to convert our yard to farm asap! Thanks for sharing! We’re definitely inspired!
If you are thinking about doing more gardening check out this free video
best movie ever about gardening.
I’m a little surprised that you have not seem it, back to Eden is all over blog land.
oh, I love your blog and I think your great.
What an awesome back yard! Love all the things you have done back there.
Oh. my. goodness. I really like your blog, but I was having a hard time getting past you talking to your dogs f.o.r.e.v.e.r. at the beginning of this video. Not cute and not what people want to spend their time watching. Please edit that part out.
Oh I completely disagree! This is her home life and I love how fun this video is. Please do not edit that part out. She can skip over if she wants to watch it again 🙂
I loved this video, the dogs at the beginning too! Keep it just like it is. Very inspiring! I have a very small yard and unless we find something bigger (which we’ve been trying to do for the last 10 years) we won’t be able to do what you have done, but we can do more with what we have.
Me too, I agree, I was like get on with it already! lol!
Haha, okay, I shall limit my doggie talk:)
Umm Nooo Janet,
Not everyone feels as you do !! I liked her dogs and commentary . Youuu, just skip over next time !!!
Have your video saved for ideas and INSPIRATION!
Really?? Your garden provides you with 50% of your veggies?? It looks pretty small to me!
It’s 1000 sq.feet, and we grow pretty much constantly here in AZ except for July & August:)