If you haven’t noticed, summer is here.
Also, if you haven’t noticed, it’s hot.
Really hot.
This is my basic ice cream recipe, but because I like to be very specific, we’ll call this one Summer Peach Ice Cream. Because it’s summer. And I like peaches. With ice cream…
Summer Peach Ice Cream
Makes 1 quart
2 c. whole milk (read why I drink whole milk here)
2 c. peaches, preferably organic
1 c. heavy cream
sweetener according to your taste (maple syrup, honey, unrefined cane sugar, coconut sugar)
1. Place peaches (without pits of course) in blender (this is my favorite blender) and pulse ’till good & pureed.
2. Add milk & cream and pulse again ’till blended.
3. Depending on how sweet your peaches are, you may not need much sweetener at all. I’ll leave the amount up to you. Just taste the mixture and make according to your sweet level.
4. Place in an ice cream maker (I have this one (affiliate link), but I want this one (affiliate link)) and mix for 20-30 minutes until it magically becomes ice cream!
I love my Cuisinart. It’s not the fancy model you want but it works like a champ! I’m loving your blog and learning so much. I’ve also shared it a ton.
Thank you so much!