Cheese. Butter. Pasta. More Cheese. Mix it up, then eat it.
Don’t cha wish recipes were that simple?
Sometimes I just want food and I want it in my belly now, know what I mean?
The great – no the fantastic – thing about this recipe is that once you learn how to make mac n’ cheese from scratch, you can feed your family and their hungry bellies in less than 20 minutes.
If you’re new to real food, this is a great recipe to start with! It’s creamy, cheesy, and filling to boot! So, grab some pasta, grab a pot, and get cookin’, my friend.
You can use regular pasta, organic pasta, gluten-free pasta, wheat pasta, sprouted wheat pasta, einkorn pasta, spelt pasta, emmer pasta, etc. Basically any pasta. But you do have to pronounce the word “pasta”, with an Italian accent. My pasta always turns out better if I pronounce it all stylish and all. It just makes it more legit.
Healthy Macaroni & Cheese
Serves 8
16 oz. pasta (my latest favorite is Einkorn pasta)
8 TBS. butter
6 TBS. organic corn starch
3 c. whole milk
3-4 c. shredded cheddar cheese
salt and pepper to taste
1. Cook pasta according to instructions.
2. In a pot over medium heat, melt butter, then add organic corn starch and stir well.
3. Add milk and bring to a simmer while stirring constantly.
4. Add shredded cheese and stir until the cheese is melted and the sauce has thickened.
5. Remove from heat and add to cooked pasta, then add salt and pepper to your taste.
I’ve Always wanted to live on a farm and have been growing a Lot of our own food in the Backyard for awhile now. I’m in the process of buying a touch over 2 acres and have been checking into a combo of raising small livestock & growing a specialty crop on Half an acre to support myself & my family. I became disabled in 2002 after catching a virus from a patient ( month After I turned 32 ?) and have been taking care of my disabled mother since 2001. Right now we live on Her SSDI & Pension but are Always Short.
I’d love to talk to you about how to run a small farm! Please feel free to email me at the address below.. Hope to hear from you soon!
Hi Lisa! You should follow our YouTube channel, we do daily videos of life on the farm!
Mmmmmmm, DaNelle this looks so good! After my failed attempt to make some macaroni and cheese off of some loose instructions, I’m ready for a new recipe to try!
I will try this with my Fresh Pasta.
♥Maria Alison
Ten at the Table
Seems legit to me to call this healthy- all the food is REAL. And if you disagree and want to make food that meets your standard of “healthy”, don’t make this, sillies. Thanks for this great recipe!
Does anyone have a suggestion for where I could buy good cheddar cheese and butter for this recipe? My local selection of dairy products is dismal, since it’s illegal to sell unpasteurized milk in my state. *sigh*
To make this recipe as healthy as possible, all the dairy products (milk, butter, cheese) should be raw (from pastured cows and not homogenized or pasteurized). Servings should not be large in order to inhibit over-indulgence of carbohydrates.
I am concerned about the arrowroot powder and dairy mixture…I was told that the result of these combined, would be slimy. Is that not the case here for some reason? Can not wait to try it with non GMO and/or ingredients! (well, once I get the answer to the question, that is,lol)
I made this tonight and it was delicious but I honestly I only use half a cheese sauce recipe and that was almost too much!
I read this as healthy due to all natural ingredients without chemicals or other nastiness. The post says ‘healthy’ not ‘low fat’ or ‘low cal’. As long as you aren’t having it too often, there’s no reason it can’t be healthy- in my opinion. 🙂
I’m guessing you’re labeling this “healthy” because it’s made from scratch and doesn’t come out of a box? To reiterate, an entire stick of butter, 3 cups of whole milk, and a LOT of cheese for only one pound of pasta?? Yikes!
Would this work with raw milk? Thanks!
This recipe was amazingly delicious and easy. Just made it for lunch and it was the best mac & cheese i have ever had. Thanks DaNelle! Btw, in what area of AZ do you live? I’m in the Chandler area and always looking for good sources of fresh local foods.
I’m with Rachel. With respect to this looking delicious, how is it healthy? An entire stick of butter, 3 cups of whole milk and 3 to 4 cups of cheese for one pound of pasta?? Holy cow!
Just made this and I declare you a genius! It’s the best stovetop Mac and cheese I’ve ever made. My husband is a Mac and cheese snob and he loves it. Thick creamy and real! I wouldn’t believe it if I handnt just made it. Mind blown!
Hi, love this, i hate making flour and milk sauce-but will this freeze? I only make this for one, husband hates pasta!
How many carbs per serving? Is that more or less than a candy bar and will it give me “Diabeetus”?
This looks delicious. I could use some healthy comfort foods! 🙂
Why is this healthy? That’s a lot of milk and cheese.
AHA!! When I was researching arrowroot powder and all it’s pros and cons, a lady told me that you cannot use arrowroot powder with dairy products because it just won’t work. I bought it anyway but have been totally stressing about remembering not to use it with dairy. THANK YOU for this recipe and for showing me (Yep, I one of those “prove it” kinda girls – lol) that you CAN use it with dairy. 🙂
I heard that about arrowroot powder too, but I used it to make chocolate pudding and it did work. The pudding was just was more gelled instead of custardy like it would have been with cornstarch, but it tasted the same.
The recipe looks great, and very easy, but where is the nutritional content? Is it not listed because you can use any kind of pasta?
Thank you! I’m adding this recipe to my menu plan for the week, can’t wait to make it!