Poor, poor me.
He put a lift in my shoe and I felt a lot of relief, but I still continued to get some flare ups and it didn’t feel right to just accept my back always being out and wear a shoe lift the rest of my life.
I could probably BE a chiropractor with how much I know.
They were nice and did the little scan and told me some stuff about my atlas and how if that gets out it messes the whole body up. All I heard was blah, blah, blah, a million visits. Then he peaked my interest when he said they saw a lot of people with vertigo and dizziness. What? That’s what I have. How do you fix it? Can you fix me? I used the coupon they gave me to get a free first exam the next week. My first visit was annoying because they made me watch all these videos about how chiropractic care was so important and I was SO over it.
But then the little video said one thing.
Wouldn’t be awesome if both of my issues were actually connected?
Holy cow, how awesome would it be if a little tap on my atlas would fix my dizziness AND low back. Well, at this point I am still working on both. I have been feeling less dizzy, but those nerves have been compressed in my atlas for a while now so I am patiently trying to heal my dizziness completely and I plan to do some physical therapy to train my vestibular system to work correctly.
SO…..yes I am visiting the surgeon next week yet again, and we shall see what he says. At this point, Dr. Arter(chiropractor at my current place) thinks he may do a mini surgery and clean up all the bone spurs and scar tissue and create more room for those nerves…..OR….maybe he’ll recommend a double disc replacement at which point I’ll collapse into a heap at the thought of it.
- I TOTALLY believe in chiropractors, the only thing is, there are SO MANY different methods and if you don’t feel better within 6 weeks, try another method because it really can work.
- Surgery can ruin a lot and can make you just need more surgeries. You think your pain is bad? Well, it can always get worse. So be careful in the surgery department.
I don’t mind having adversity in my life, I just want to be done with this one.
I have to say I saw Max Vanorman and he did heal me with the same technique and my family has gone to him for years. After I went to Max I never thru my back out again and that has been 12 years.
Hi Jean,
I’m glad to hear that. I had a very different story with him. I also had 3 other family members who are still in severe back pain after going to him for a year:(
Max van Orman changed my life with a work that he does. I would not be working and functional today in my life had I not had a series of treatments with him about 10 years ago. I’m very grateful!! I feel like it’s time for me maybe to go again and go deeper with the work but it really takes a lot of courage to pass to that threshold of terror when you get on that machine! but, I totally trusted him! I’m very grateful, he i very skilled and experienced with the work he does (he is no “quack”) I hope that I can let him know that someday what a positive experience this has been for m.I don’t know how to get in touch with him anymore.I’m sorry that you and anybody you know didn’t receive benefit from it!
I am very interested in that atlas tapping. Could you please tell me more and where I might get it. I don’t have the physical difficulties you do, but i have extreme dizziness and in years have not been successful in getting it figured out or diagnosed. Thank you for sharing what had to be a very difficult history.
Really acupuncture is worthy technique that is being used to put some pins in your body that may be increases the pain holding capability or that can remove pain consistently.
Physiotherapist Clinics in Dublin
Hello. First of all I want to say that I just recently discovered your blog on facebook and am finding great inspiration from it. Slowly plotting for goats and chickens of my own in the future:) Unfortunately I’m in DC where having a yard is reserved for the very wealthy so have to weight the pros and cons of a commute. Anyways, I am an acupuncturist with a background in Nutrition and truly believe that diet is the cornerstone to good health. I discuss it with every patient that walks through my door regardless of their condition. I’ve even told a few about your blog lately. I try to spark passion to educate themselves about different ways to eat for your health. So, thanks for serving as one more educational tool in my arsenal. I am so sorry to hear about your struggles with pain. I wanted to ask if you’ve ever tried a series of acupuncture treatments? If not, I highly recommend it!!! Years back I had a hellish year with herniated discs in my neck and low back, but luckily avoided surgery and am doing much better now. Acupuncture is so very effective in treating a wide variety of health conditions but is particular effective for pain relief. It was a life-saver for me. So much so that I became an acupuncturist myself. I treat so much back pain with fantastic results. I would give it a good 10 sessions but you typically see results within the first couple. http://www.acufinder.com is a great tool to find someone in your area. Make sure you go to one who has done a full 5 year/3000 hour program (vs. in some states MDs, chiros or PT’s can practice under their licenses with only 300 hours of training – big difference) Best of luck on your journey!
I have never tried acupuncture but I have heard A LOT about it! Thanks for all the info, I start searching in my area!
DaNelle!!!! You and Nielson have the same exact story….besides the babies. 🙂 It has now been two years since he had his replacement etc and its been pure BLISS!!! After decades of back pain he only gets muscle pain here and there after he lifts something heavy. You will be a brand knew person. His dizzy spells are gone too. I know you already have doctors but i highly recommend Nielson’s surgeon. It was Dr. Datta in Mesa. Sonoran Spine Center. He was truely amazing. You can email me ANYTIME if you have questions about anything he already went through.I hope you get releif soon. Back issues are not fun and it effects your ENTIRE life and your families life. I feel for you. Seriously email me anytime. Good Luck!! [email protected]
P.s. Nielson uses Dr. Bigler as his Chiropractor. He is a light force one who does not believe in popping. My family has been using him for years and years and anybody i send to him is always amazed and now goes to him regularily now. I even take my newborns to him. Really amazing. He always kept Nielson in line and his muscles calmed down unti his surgery which helped his pain. Nielson has the degenerative Disc Disease to. No Fun 🙁
Vanessa, oh my gosh I wanna just cry thanks for commenting. It is SO nice to hear a successful story! I am going to email you and get your number we seriously need to talk and especially about the Kimber academy too!
You must be pretty strong to have all those trials! I don’t think I could do it. Look at you Wonder Woman!!!
Gosh, I never knew it was THAT bad. You never really talked about it and you were always so positive. Perspective; I just got it.
I hear you. I have degenerative disc disease, arthritis and a whole bunch of pain problems. I also have a shorter leg, diagnosed when I was in 5th grade and found to have scoliosis.
When I see a chiropractor and get adjusted, I feel great. Usually it takes about two weeks of regular adjustments before I feel good for another month. Mine also has a massage therapist in the office who works wonders. The problem is, my condition is not just a simple misalignment anymore. My bones are messed UP. I hate it. My mom has it even worse — she has bone spurs on her neck so she can never get adjusted!
Anyway, send me an e-mail about that atlas tapping thing. I’m curious. momtheintern at gmail dot com.