Once upon a time there was a woman who bought a goat.
She was so excited to get FRESH milk every day! She woke up early one morning, and with butterflies in her stomach she put her goat on the milking stand, poured some grain in the feeder, and started to tug. Nothing. ”Hmmmm”, the woman thought. She tugged and tugged.
After 30 minutes and approximately one teaspoon of milk later, the woman started to cry.
”Why can’t I milk this freaking goat?!”, she yelled to the sky.
Then the woman got the BEST idea! She raced inside and rummaged through some old boxes. She ran back out to the impatient goat. Using her old breast pump, the woman was able to extract all the milk from the goat.
Aaaaannd THAT is how MY first experience with milking a goat went. Yes, I used my old breast pump. Worked good too! Only thing was, I knew I’d eventually HAVE to learn how to milk my goat the old way. PRE-breast pump times.
How to Milk a Goat
Now I’m a pro at milking goats. I’m fully prepared for if I happen upon a goat milking contest. Two summers ago, I bribed my kids into learning for themselves. It took a whole summer, but my then 7 & 9 year old became pros at milking, too. It’s amazing what kids can learn if they are taught. And bribed. And I’m proud to announce that today, my adorable 8 year old is going to teach all of you how to milk a goat!
Announcing the URBAN FARMING for KIDS online class!
That’s right. My kids have worked hard making some fun & informative (as well as adorable) urban farming videos for kids! This video is a sneak peak. Check it out and enjoy! Happy goat milking!
As a vet who works with goats, way to go! Good job milking and good job teaching her how to do it right!! I especially liked that she diligently cleaned before milking and stripped the first milk, you wouldnt believe the number of people that will just grab a teat and start milking without any prep work. ♡ Keep it up!
I’m sitting here laughing tears ,I’m watching your daughters milking video and who wakes up and comes around the corner,
Into the living room looking around for the goat being milked ,my 18 month pit bull, last year when she was a puppy she used to follow me into the barn and when I was done milking I would give her a little milk. Apparently she didn’t forget the sound of the milk streaming into the pot.she looked around and then turned around and went back to bed.
Loved the video, adorable
HAHAH, how funny!
Your daughters little video was just precious!
Thanks Renee! We think so too:)
Omg she is adorable i would go to her any day to get goats help
I’m curious what u feed your goat and the chickens. I just realized that the alfalfa I feed my goat could be gmo and my chicken feed has corn in it so that is probably gmo too. I was thinking of what I could feed them all but I have chickens, ducks, geese, and turkeys and I know geese need extra protein. plus I give my goat a sweet feed while she is milking. any info on this would be appreciated
This was really beautiful, I haven’t decided whether or not my life needs a milking goat or a cow but this child is making me think a goat is just about right.
My 10 year old daughter has decided that we should have a farm, and that my genius-in-the-computer-field husband will become a farmer……
I can’t wait to show her this video, and we will look forward to the online classes “coming soon”!
Too cute! Awesome job!
she really is adorable
What a cutie! Well done.
She is too cute! Very well spoken.
I wish I grew up learning things like this! She is very lucky to have a Mom like yourself.
Looking forward to more videos!
She is indeed extremely adorable!!! My 6 and 8 yr olds (boys) watched and were slightly horrified that they’d be doing this when we get our goats, but they agreed that she taught the lesson well.
So. cute.
She is so cute. Great job I am impressed.
Love it! 🙂 I’m going to send this vid to my hubs!! He’s convinced that the cosmos are telling him that there are goats in our future. Woohoo!!
GO GIRL!!! She was rocking that milking session!!
That is SO cute and hilarious! I love her point at the end “If you’re goat kicks over the milk bucket, don’t worry… we’ve done it before!” LOL
HOW CUTE!! Oh my word, Bravo!
This is the most adorable thing ever! I’m speechless!