Today I’ve got a very simple recipe to make your very own Homemade Udder & Teat Wipes!
One of the biggest hurdles with homesteading or farming is to find natural alternatives when caring for your animals. When I first started to own animals, I couldn’t find recipes anywhere for homemade udder wipes, and so I resorted to using standard, harsh, chemical-laden udder wipes. They helped reduce the bacteria, but I never felt good about using such harsh chemicals when I was trying to raise my animals holistically.
Some of my friends use plain baby wipes, but even the cheapest, plainest baby wipes contain 10-20 chemicals. After some research, I found the perfect formula to create my homemade udder wipes and I’m excited to share with all of you!
Your goats, cows, & sheep will be grateful!
Homemade Udder & Teat Wipes
- 1 package (100 wipes) of dry disposable wipes
- 2 c filtered water
- 1/2 c On Guard Natural Cleaner concentrate
Place 1 package of wipes in a ziploc bag or tupperware container.
In a separate bowl, mix water & cleaner.
Pour mixture over wipes and close lid.
Recipe Notes
*You can store these outside right by your milking area.
Cost breakdown of my Homemade Udder & Teat Wipes:
100 disposable wipes will cost you $4.25.
1/2 c. of Castile Soap Natural Cleaner concentrate will cost you $3.43
Also, check out my homemade udder balm recipe here.
Given the cost of the On Guard cleaner I really wanted to love these! I made these wipes following the recipe and the teats ended up extremely sudsy I had to wipe most of it off and my hands turned red and started cracking after 2 uses. The soap ratio seems really high, and drying and abrasive on my skin. I ended up rinsing the wipes as much as possible. I definitely wish I would have bought udder wipes instead of $30 on soap that burns my hands.
Can you recommend a fabric to make reusable wipes? I used reusable wipes for my children and was wondering about doing something similar for my goats.
Hi Kimberly-
Jersey fabric will make nice wipes. You can usually find it by using old t-shirts or some bed sheets. The fabric is thin, lightweight, absorbent, and does not need to be hemmed.
You can also purchase actual reusable wipes or washcloths to use if that works better for you.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Hi Danelle!
I love the recipe for these teat wipes. I am thinking about using a rag and a bucket of soapy water. Is Dawn dish soap ok for the soap in my warm water? It says it’s animal safe?
Dawn is not toxic to goats, but it will strip the natural oils and is not recommended to use on goats. Using the teat wipes will help protect the udder and keep it in good condition. Dawn is too harsh and drying on the skin.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Do you use the wipes before you use the teat dip and balm?
Hi Caroline-
Yes, use the wipes to clean off the udder and teats before applying.
Thanks -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
I am confused, it seems like there are two recipes above. Do you use 1/2cup of On Guard or Castile soap?
Hi Amber-
You can use them interchangeably.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Hi! My family is new to goats, and your website has been incredibly helpful. I am curious.. what have you found is handiest to store these wipes? Thank you!
Hi Meredith-
DaNelle stores them in either a Ziploc bag or Tupperware container. Both work well.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Not sure if you can answer it, but, is Thieves General cleaner by Young Living sutible/similar to what you use? Would this be ok? Thanks!
Our Goats arrive in 4 weeks, so we are excited!
Hi Emilie-
Yes, it is similar.
Thanks -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
I don’t know if my message I sent last night went through, so I”ll try again. I love the On Guard products. I’ve thought of using the On Guard Hand Wash for udder wipes. Thoughts? Have you had any trouble with your wipes being to harsh on the tender udder skin? Do you wipe the end of the teat, as well? Then dry the teat/udder before milking? Why I asked about harsh, is because we read that On Guard shouldn’t be used all the time on the skin. Too harsh.
Do you use your wipes, then put your cream on the end of the teat after you milk her and send her out to the pen again?
Is it now ok for us to mention doTerra products on our websites? re: FDA. Awhile back they stopped us
Question: I have a Nubian doe whom I was told was precotious (sp?). Now one side of her udder is hard and the other is soft. So I’m thinking mastitis, rather than precotious. Any ideas to help her naturally?
Hello! I hope you see this, even thow this post is old. Branch Basics does not seem to sell that any more so I was wondering what you use instead?
Yes, thanks for reminding me! Here’s the link to the cleaner I use:
You have awesome stuff on this website
I know this is an old post, but I am hoping you will reply. We use Dr. Bronners at our house would that work in place of Branch Basics? We get our goats in just a few days and I am getting everything together.
That’s a great replacement!
I use a clean reusable cloth rag with hot water and a tiny bit of natural soap. After I wipe I always put coconut oil on the whole udder and teats. It is a great udder balm and it has antibacterial properties!!
I make & sell my own reusable udder wipes! We love them – use them once, then they get a long, hot wash in the washing machine and they are ready to go again! PLUS once you get a good stack of colorful cloths going, its something cheery to look forward to 🙂
Hannah, what do you make your reusable wipes with? I mean the type of cloth?
Hey DaNelle!
Love your all-natural recipes!! I was on the Branch Basics website about to order some of their soap concentrate and I noticed it says “Now, 2X concentrated!”. Does your recipe above call for 1/2 cup of the new 2x concentrated formula or were you using the older formula? I just don’t want to get the cleaner in and use twice as much as I need to! I want that stuff to last as long as possible! 🙂
Thanks for any info!!!
Hi Brittney,
I’ve since adjusted my recipe to accomodate:)
hi I am a facotry ,we can produce teat wipes.what do you think for this produce?
We make our own from a roll of higher quality paper towels sawed in half and placed in a bucket (with a fitting lid) to which you add a mixture of 2 cups water, 1 Tablespoon Dawn dish soap, 1 Tablespoon sweet almond oil (or baby oil), and 10 drops each of Tea Tree Oil and Lavender Oil. (I pour a bit of plain water inside the cardboard roll in the center and peal it out. No sense in wasting the solution on cardboard, right?) After taking out the center cardboard roll just gently pour in the solution and let it soak in a bit (like overnight if possible) before using. We do have to bring them inside during the Winter so they don’t freeze.
You can pull the “wipes” out of the middle of the paper towel and tear off.
Great idea!
So, can I use the udder and teat wipes instead of dipping the teats in an iodine solution?
We don’t use the iodine solution, but we use a homemade udder cream with coconut oil & some essential oils like lavender & melaleuca.
I have Charlie’s non-phosphate laundry soap – going to try some of that in a pail with a bunch of old-but-clean cloths so I can re-use or toss. Cheaper yet!
Since the wipes are made from cotton cloth, do you just wash and reuse?
No, I throw out, they are cotton, but still disposable.
I am curious as to why you wouldn’t just launder your cloths instead of throwing them away. I hang my laundry on an outside clothes line and let the sun help!
I would personally recommend water with a few drops of either eucalyptus oil or peppermint oil and choose a size paper towels. I like the white dollar general paper towels.