It’s time to make your own homemade & natural baby wipes!
Did you know that store bought baby wipes have anywhere from 10-25 ingredients?! Those ingredients in store bought baby wipes have been linked to developmental problems, allergies, reproductive dysfunction, endocrine disruption and even cancer.That cute little baby bottom that you take care of deserves better than that, don’t ya’ think?
Even in Huggies Natural Care Wipes, you’ve got some very UN-natural products:
Homemade Baby Wipes to the rescue!
I am crazy excited to show you guys my homemade baby wipes recipe! Although my kids are too old for baby wipes (don’t make me cry!), these sure come in handy for any baby bottoms that find their way at our house. These homemade baby wipes are so safe & natural, that they’re also great for wiping sticky hands, smudgy faces, and tiny adorable newborn goats faces. Ya’ know. Just in case you run into one:) If you live at my house, you run into adorable baby goats a lot!
Homemade Baby Wipes save you money.
How much do you think you spend a year on baby wipes? 100? 200? Well, for one baby, you can expect to go through about 2000-3000 wipes in the first year alone. The average cost of baby wipes is $3.50 for 60 wipes. That means you’ll be spending $120 – $175 on baby wipes in the first year. With my recipe, it’s not a huge savings, but it’s definitely a great deal for a completely NATURAL baby wipe. My recipe will cost you anywhere from $114 – $170.
Problems with other Homemade Baby Wipe Recipes:
- Most still use Johnson & Johnson products which still have chemicals
- If they are natural, they have a complicated list of ingredients
- If they have simple ingredients, they aren’t strong enough stay smelling clean.
- Other sites recommend making reusable wipes, which, although are great for the environment, are a pain in the arsenic to lug around and clean.
How to make the best Homemade Natural Baby Wipes!
Your ingredients are simple. All you need are these dry wipes…
And these two ingredients:
- 2 c. water
- 2 TBS. Castile Soap Natural Cleaner
(Castile Soap is extremely gentle and non-toxic.)
Start with one package of wipes
Add 2 TBS. of Castile Soap to 2 c. water.
Place 1 pkg. (100 wipes) in a ziploc bag (or a reusable wipe container like this one) & pour your mixture on top. If you buy in bulk from the link above, you should get 5 packages of 100 wipes.
Because Castile Soap is so gentle, it is completely safe for baby’s skin. And everything else that needs a wipe:)
I was a little skeptical at first, but I have to tell you I am pretty much in love with Castile Soap. I wrote a post about how you can use their ONE formula for everything from dishes, to face wash, to hand soap, to window cleaner simply by using different dilutions. I decided to give these wipes a go and they are fantastic!
So, what do you think? Was it easier than other Homemade Baby Wipe Recipes you’ve tried? Trust me, you won’t regret making this recipe!
Okay, this just rocks! I had no idea one could make their own wipes. I learned something new today.
Can you use them to clean the goats udder?
Hi Roxie-
Yes, you can use them for goat udders. However, here is DaNelle’s article on how to make udder wipes if you are interested:
Thanks! -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Can you give me a link to click on to purchase the Branch Basics Natural Cleaner you are talking about? I have looked for about an hour now & I still can’t find it. Please & thank you.
Hi Summer, Branch Basics have taken down their products as they are reformulating:)
Hi DaNelle, I’m assuming this would also work with cloth wipes? We will be cloth diapering and I’m thinking it will be just as easy to use cloth wipes since we will already be washing diapers. Thanks!
Absolutely, Brittney!
I am in love with this recipe! Using natural ingredients to make baby wipes is great! I like using Branch Basics cleaners and I trust the products! Thanks for sharing!
Awesome, Virginia!
They coconut oil should help, but also essential oils can potentially help, too! I would recommend Melaleuca or Lavender!
Awesome. Thank you so much for the suggestions!! A mason jar is a great idea.
To Galina- it’s 1/8 cup to 2 cups now that branch basics uses a 2x concentrate. This post was written before they upped the concentration I think.
To Jill- I think it’s just for convenience sake. I keep my solution in a mason jar and just dip a washcloth in when needed. Also it does seem to be important to use distilled water or water that’s been boiled and then cooled. At first I just used tap water but then if it sat there for a week or two it got kinda cloudy and stinky,
First time mommy to be here. Can you just have the solution ready and then dip one wipe in at a time as you go, or spray the wipe with your premixed solution before you use it? Why do you need to soak the wipes in advance? Is it just a convenience thing or is there another reason? TIA!
Hi Jill,
It’s just a convenience thing, you can definitely soak right before using:)
What’s the rational behind the dilution ration of 1:4? Branch Basics is so highly concentrated, especially with their new formula, that I would have thought you need much much less….!
Hi Galina,
You’re right, I’ll adjust the recipe. It does look like they changed the concentration of their formula:)
So these are completely safe to use on babies hands that will end up in her mouth? My current wipes solution for her bum uses essential oils which I’m too leary of her possibly ingesting if used for a hand and face wipe so I’ve been looking for something new. (Besides the scary store bought I’m currently using!) thanks!
I would feel comfortable with my baby ingesting the trace amounts of essential oils, because I believe essential oils are safe to be ingested. Essential oils are also in many foods:)
Hi. I just received my wipes from Amazon. They came packaged 50 wipes per package and a total of 500 wipes per case. (I used the link you posted). Is that what you bought? Your tutorial said 1 pkg is 100 wipes. How long does it take for the wipes to absorb the solution? The wipes on the bottom are dry. I just made them, so will give them time to absorb all the way through. I guess if they don’t, I will add more solution. Thanks!
Yep! I bought the big package and just used 100 in the recipe. If they are dry, I would suggest to add more solution:)
Also, how did you come up with that dilution? Do you think it would be possible to use less cleaner in the same amount of water and still keep mold away? Thanks again! 🙂
I would love to get these wipes, but don’t think I can afford them right now. It is the solution that keeps away the mold, correct? Would it then work to use Paper towels instead? I do not want to find mold on my wipes! Thanks!
Yes, you definitely can use paper towels!
DaNelle, thanks for your article. The Branch Basics link appears to be broken. I thought you would want to know. Thanks, -m-
Thanks, I’ll fix it!
Is it the concentrated cleaner that you use? Or is it already diluted?
I mix the concentrated cleaner in water to dilute it:)
Where did you get the orange wipe container? So cool.
It was just an old one I had:) You can find empty baby wipe containers on Amazon here ->
Hi DaNelle!
Thank you for sharing ur baby wipes recipe.
Ur so right that many major baby wipe brands contain more than just the simple cleaning remedy to ur baby’s bottom. They can contain chemicals such as formaldehyde releasers, propylene glycol, parabens, synthetic fragrance and the latest in the news, methylisothiazolinone.
Making ur own everything allows u to control what u put on ur skin and ultimately in ur body.
thanks also for introducing another cleanser brand. Ppl always mention castile soap…I will look into branch basics.
I just use water and a mini strong paper towel. have done so for all three of my kids. there’s my two simple ingredients for you. baby’s bottoms stays clean and rash free. store bought wipes– try using them on yourself and you see how uncomfortable they are. i used them in mexico where I was sweating and broke out like crazy so I avoid using store bought wipes whenever possible. you can also use baby washcloths or rags and wash them if you are concerned about the environment and cost. I imagine it is a similar cost to buying wipes in buying paper towels but worth it for saving on not needing rash cream.
I’ve done the same thing for my three kids. I’ve used Dr. Bronner’s Baby Mild soap mixed with water, which works well. I find myself just wetting the paper towel with water though and it still works great. My babies are always rash free. Paper towels work great and might be less expensive too.
Oooops! Just saw the link for the cloths! Didn’t notice it the first time I read the post. Will read more careful next time! 🙂
Do you have a link to the brand of cloths you use? Thanks!
Awesome-sauce! My husband says, “Some women knit while they watch TV, you make your own butt wipes. It’s like something out of Portlandia.”
HAHAHA, totally!
How long will these last without growing mold? I really want to try this!
We’ve had them go a long time and they never grow mold. I think you’re safe with Branch Basics:)
Specifically, what’s the shelf life for the water-Branch Basics solution? Is there any difference when stored together with the disposable wipes? with cloth wipes?
I need to know because if I make this, it will be to donate to the charity group Newborns in Need. And I don’t want to donate something that will go wonky in a few weeks!
I’m not sure what the shelf life is, you can check the website or contact the company:)
How many wipes are in one batch and how long do they last? Do you need to soak them for a specific amount of time? Where did you get your container? More directions would be helpful! Thanks
Just added the tutorial part, thanks!
I feel like leaving soap sit on the diaper area cant be good or comfortable… Isn’t there anyway to make a diaper wipe that doesn’t have soap? 🙁
It doesn’t leave a soapy residue, so it works great:)
You can always add essential oils like Eucalyptus and Tea Tree oils that are anti bacterial instead of soap.
I’ve tried eucalyptus and tea tree oil recipes and my wipes have still developed mold.
Instructions for how to make them? What type of cloths, containers etc.
Sorry, somehow the tutorial part was deleted. I’ve added it back:)