“my baby keeps waking up in the night, I’m a complete moron”
Babywise. Oh man I could write a book about THE book Babywise. It’s a good guideline, but just that people.
I remember as a new Mom with my little Ethan, I was determined to make this kid perfect through Babywise training. He was gonna sleep through the night at 8 weeks if it killed us. I stressed and worried and followed that book
to. the. letter.
And you know what? That stinkin’ kid DID NOT sleep through the night till 7 months.
There’s probably some lady somewhere in a foreign country reading this going,
“Why do American mom’s care so much about this sleeping through the night silliness?”
And you know what foreign lady? I seriously don’t even know.
With Lydia, I was super relaxed and though I did a little Babywise, I also just did nothing & you know what?
She slept through the night at 6 weeks. Go figure.
In all the choices we make as mothers, I think the most important one is to make ones that are right for our family and not do something just so we can belong to a group and be able to define ourselves. It’s fine if you choose one side or the other, but it’s also fine to do a little of both and have some balance cause I think in doing so we can find what works for us but more importantly, we can be confident and happy with the choices we make.
UPDATE: Read why I think a TRADITIONAL DIET is better than a PLANT BASED DIET
I love this post! You put it all so well – thanks!
I love this! Why can’t we just BE…live and let live and know that we are all doing what is best for ourselves and our families and that doesn’t look the same for everyone!
As members of the LDS culture, we do this a lot. Especially in Utah. I don’t know if I realized how bad it was until I moved away from it. I struggled virtually everyday with myself for this very thing, not realizing that this is what I was struggling with. I am learning that we really are different in sooo many ways and it’s great! I have learned a lot about myself and got to know ME when I stopped thinking that I was doing things wrong just because it wasn’t how everyone else was doing them.
Very well said!! Thank you!
Oh, and on another note… did you decided to butcher Peeta cause you think that Gale should end up with Katniss?! haha
Hahahaha yesh.
Ya, I have been thinking a lot about this since conference, when (I can’t remember who) talked about how each of us change all the time. Every choice, every decision, every hour, every day we are changing. We aren’t today who we were 5 years ago… I was at the gym when one of the personal trainers (they tweet inspiring messages on ESPN just before commercial break) said ‘Get rid of the word CAN’T from your vocabulary’… it’s been eye opening for me. Seriously. I think it apply’s to healthy eating, weight loss, exercise, motherhood, delicious red meat (hehe), and life. Very interesting what happens when we realize HOW we are defining ourselves… beginning with our thoughts.
I SO agree! I guess I was lucky (though at the time I felt it so unfair) to learn this lesson early on. I planned to have a vaginal birth and planned to breastfeed only. Well, my baby was born by C-section and also had wicked reflux that made breastfeeding impossible. I felt a little worthless for a while because of this. But by the time I had Carson, I was glad things didn’t go my way the first time, because I realized that I’m not in control and that you just have to take things one day at a time.
As far as food philosophy goes, I totally get it. I value raw, organic produce, whole grains and homemade food. But I also value In-n-Out and Blue Bell ice cream. Not gonna lie. It’s all about moderation.