I have a confession to make. I used to waste thousands of dollars on disposable diapers for my goats.
It’s true.
I’d like to say I didn’t know any better, but honestly, I was just lazy. I knew that cloth diapers were better, but I didn’t want to admit it. Since then, I’ve learned the facts about goat disposable diapers. And they ain’t pretty.
- FACT #1: Disposable diapers will set you back at least $4,000 before your goat is potty trained.
- FACT #2: 3.4 million tons of disposable diapers end up in landfills each year.
- FACT #3: Disposable diapers contain nasty chemicals and harmful toxins. (source)
The problem I kept having is that while I was really good at potty training my first goat, by the time I got to my fourth or fifth, I was SO done with the goat potty training parties. The amount of apple juice drinks and fruit snacks you have to buy for just one goat is ridiculous! And on top of that, I can’t tell you how many potty reward charts I made that ended up just being eaten.
After hundreds of dollars of poster boards down the drain, I realized something needed to change. I need a more natural solution to my problem.
Cloth Diapers for Goats: A more natural solution
I get it. You’re busy. You don’t want to deal with the mess of cloth diapers for your goats. But I’m telling you, IT’S SO EASY, YOU GUYS! And your goats will be happier too! No more rashes, no more harmful plastics.
Just look how happy Luna is with her new cloth diapers. It’s like she’s not wearing anything at all!
Cloth diapers fit surprisingly well on goat bottoms. A perfect fit every time.
Now I’m sure you’re wondering, “Won’t all the poop and pee just leak out the sides?”
The answer to that question is, probably. BUT, don’t you feel better now knowing you’re doing something natural, something that will SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT?
About 4 minutes after placing the cloth diaper on your goat, whoopsie, looks like you’ll have some changing to do! The velcro straps will make it SO easy to take on and off!
Now I’m SURE you’re wondering, “This is ridiculous! I’m going to have to change these goat cloth diapers like a hundred times a day!”
But, seriously, that number is WAY OFF!
20, or 30 times a day at the MOST, I promise.
And the best part is that this is the perfect job for kids. They just love how easy it is to change these goat cloth diapers!
After a good rinsing, you can simply hang it out to dry. I’m telling you, it’s THAT EASY.
Oh, I almost forgot. Be sure not to hang it to dry out of reach of your goats.
Goats think cloth diapers are delicious.
So, what do you think? Are you ready to save money, have a non-toxic farm, and literally CHANGE THE WORLD with your own cloth diapers for goats? You can do it!
P.S. April Fools!
Here’s a peek at some behind the scenes of this year’s April Fools’ Day blog post. Each year we look forward to the shenanigans we have to take to make it happen! Good times!
all my kids (human) wore cloth, they were allergic to disposable ones. And I;m thinking it was to keep them from being bred or to help break a kid from nursing. I bought it hook line and sinker too. A nd wasn;t even April fools when I read it. You have a great sense of humor, I love it!
I was really hoping this was for real. My daughter wants to take her goat to our local pet parade in October, and I thought this would be ideal for the walk. That way all she had to do is empty it in the dumpster at the end. That would save me from having to walk behind her picking up poop along the way. 🙁
Other than that, it would never be used. lol
Hi Nikki-
Just a little April 1st fun. But you are right, it would save a lot of poop scooping for a parade! Would be great for horses along the parade route too! And I wish my chickens would wear them when they decide to invade my porch. I hope your parade goes really well, and I think that it is fantastic your daughter is taking her goat to the parade! Have fun and Happy Goating! -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
There is a farm in New Hampshire that has goat Yoga classes 4-5 days a week with a waiting list of people wanting to take the class. I saw your April 1st post for this year and it made me think of it. I found it and the link is below.
Hilarious! Note to self: ALWAYS look at the date of a bizarre blog post!
And seriously, “weedemandreap”? Priceless!
OH MY GOSH!! You got me. So bad. I’m telling people in the office how bizarre this is and how I can’t believe this phenomenon is happening. Turns out, it isn’t really happening haha Nicely done. Very nicely done.
Ok… seriously… I was sorta getting excited and tryin to figure out how to ‘elasticize’ the legs! Not that I would do it for every goat but there is one that I really need to live inside w/ me (need is a strong word… want…wish…whatever) but when it got to the potty reward chart and the reward WASN’T eating it… I knew it was a joke. Darn it! lol Their poop is sooooo freaking easy to clean compared to dogs or cats. But the freaking pee… too much to have inside w/o a diaper. lol
Here I am reading this in July thinking “Well, there goes my dream of owning a goat!” I’ll cloth diaper a baby, but this is too much! Hahahaha. Happy belated April Fools to me!
Haha, glad you liked it!
I read this post a month later…..I was waiting for the punch line…….thinking is this the way she catches the poop for fertilizer lol? Then I read on to find out it was an April Fools…..but it is a good idea for catching poop for fertilizer lol….if you want to change diapers that often. How do you collect poop for fertilizer by the way? I would like to plant a garden and we have 3 goats. We live in the Appalachian Mountains
Not reading this on April 1st, I seriously thought “What kind of city girl is this?”
Just the thought of potty training my goats???? “Are you kidding?” Thankfully you were.
Your effort put into this post was a success.
You got me.
Haha! That’s hilarious!
Good one! I was trying to figure out if you were keeping the goats as house pets – why do they need to be housebroken?! Then I started to wonder if you’d just posted this yesterday… 😀
I was gonna say.. WHY do your goats need dipers?! And I’m certainly NOT changing it 20 or 30 times a day….
So hilarious! At first I forgot it was April Fool’s Day and I was like, “Diapers on your goats? What the heck?!” Ha ha! I love your April Fool’s posts!
You are too funny! Seriously, the goat poopy-pee cloth diaper shot – that was just gross! LOL! How much did you have to bribe your daughter to pose for that photo. LOL! You all are awesome! 🙂