(First of all, let me just say that I have no idea what is happening in this picture. I have no idea why I am holding a maraca and not wearing any pants. But, you gotta admit, that homemade barbie house is pretty awesome.)
Let me start off this post by saying my mom is literally the HARDEST person to shop for.
Every year, since I can remember, when we asked my Mom what she wanted for Christmas, she would always say…
“All I want is World Peace.”
As a 6 year old, you can understand how difficult it would be to try to figure out how to buy world peace with exactly 84 cents. Not an easy task.
Over the years, my sisters & I have gotten more and more creative in our efforts to give our Mom ‘world peace’. We once didn’t fight for one. whole. day. It was as close to world peace as our Mom was ever gonna get:)
Sadly, I’m not as selfless as my Mom.
Nope. I want presents! Although we’ve tried to create an “unspoiled Christmas” here for the kids, we still let our kids ask Santa for one or two things they really want. The same goes for us parents. So, without further adieu, here are the items on MY wishlist…
Before I begin, I wanted to give a shout out to Charity Water. Kevin & I always donate to a good cause every Christmas and this one definitely deserves donations! Check them out!
My Christmas Wishlist
I’ve decided today to show you guys what I’ve got on my wishlist for Christmas. It’s nothing big or special, just some things I’ve had my eye on.
1. A pair of BOGS. Bogs are basically high end work boots for farmers who also want to look stylish while shoveling poo. Been wanting a pair of these for a loooong time!
2. New Stainless Steel Toxic-Free pots & pans. For cooking glorious food, of course. I only have a few pots and pans that I really like. I want this set that has all the pieces I need and are all toxic-free.
3. On that note, I’ve always wanted a Le Creuset Cast Iron French Oven, but I may have to wait another year or so before Santa can bring me this one:)
4. FOOD! That’s right, I want some good food this Christmas, that’s why I’m asking Santa to buy me a huge package of Nick’s Sticks! I love love love these! I may share with Kevin. I said “may”.
5. World peace. Yeah, I guess I’ll throw this in there at Number 5. It can’t hurt, right? Go World Peace!
I know this is a couple weeks old now, but I was browsing here for recipes, and the picture caught my eye. I have a pic of myself (on Christmas morning, no less) wearing the exact same Spider Woman pajamas (only. I’m wearing pants *ahem*). Just had to stop to mention that. 🙂
Hahaha, that’s so funny!
I’d LOVE to be debt-free! But more importantly is for my family t know the Lord.
My Christmas wish is to have our mortgage paid in full and we can handle the rest.
I got that exact cookware set for a wedding present from my parents last year! I absolutely love it! I’m hoping for some all natural beauty products that I am too cheap to buy for myself lol
For Christmas this year I want long underwear for those early visits to the sheep, llamas and chickens. Also I would like beautiful warm Connemara wool socks, at least 3 pairs! A new pair of shoes to wear for when I have to substitute in the public schools. New work gloves would be sweet and beyond that, a few more dollars at the end of each month to save would be awesome. Peace to everyone!
I really want a stock pot so I can make broth easier. My pans aren’t deep enough. But it has to be non-toxic too!
I’m loving my InstantPot for making broth, soup, and beans. It’s a combination slow-cooker and pressure cooker. Love the lift-out stainless steel inner pot. I have a chicken carcass in there right now, making broth. Yesterday I cooked soaked black beans in 9 minutes!
It can be a little pricey, but sometimes I see them on sale for $99 online.
I’m wishing for a way to get your blog posts via email 🙂 I’ll take a new food processor too!
I am with you, girl. I want that Le Creuset Cast Iron French Oven!
A stainless steel pressure cooker would be on my list. I’ve only been able to find aluminium ones and I know those are not the best to cook in.
And I’d love for my husband to let go of his shopping hatred and pick out a surprise gift for me…just once.