Holla! I finally learned how to make GELATO. You guys. I am in love. It’s like heaven in my mouth, I tell ya’!
In my research I found that gelato is really just a lighter custard. Instead of using cream, you use whole milk, which still gives it a rich flavor while keeping it very refreshing.
It’s like a creamy sorbet. A deliciously, heavenly, creamy sorbet. Geez, no wonder people travel all the way to Italy to eat this stuff! Right after I took this picture I promptly sat down on the ground out of view from the kids and ate this sucker all by myself before dinner. Dinner was spoiled, but between you and me it was totally worth it.
Here’s the handy dandy recipe for ya’.
Blueberry-Lemon GELATO
Serves 8
5 egg yolks (refrigerate/freeze the egg white for a meringue on your next pie)
1/2 c. raw cane sugar or honey
1/4 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla
2 1/2 c. whole milk (nutritionally organic is better, raw is best)
2 c. fresh or frozen blueberries
1 lemon
1. In a saucepan, combine milk & salt. While stirring occasionally, heat until it just starts to bubble.
2. Using a hand mixer, blend egg yolks & sugar till creamy and well blended. Add blueberries and blend to desired consistency.
3. Just when milk starts to bubble, remove from heat, add vanilla & let cool for 5 minutes, then slowly add to egg yolk/blueberry mixture.
4. Add the juice & zest of one lemon.
5. Mix till well blended, cool to at least 45-50 degrees, then pour into an ice cream maker like this one or this one.
6. Proceed to devour (preferably hidden from the kids. Well, okay you can give them a little bit I guess;)
Drat! I don’t have an ice-cream maker…… I’ll look on amazon
I can’t wait to try it!
SNIFF. SNIFF. I just happened upon this website recently and was SO looking forward to this delicious looking treat. I tried the recipe this weekend following the measurements exactly, but using honey in place of sugar. I did put the mixture in the fridge for about 5 hours to cool it off before placing it into my Cuisinart ice cream maker (with the bowl completely frozen). Well…after 25 minutes, the mix was delicious, BUT, the consistency was just as fully liquid as the minute I paced it in the machine. I have successfully made gelato before, so I’m fairly certain it was not my machine! I think something is not quite right with this recipe. It does however have a really wonderful taste, but mine was definitely not gelato. It made a very nice blueberry, lemon, liquidy, milk drink. No gelato for me! 🙁
I tried to make this for a BBQ that I was having and it stayed liquid.. never froze!
The recipe really should be changed to include a cool down period before you put it in the Ice cream maker. Talk about a disaster! I will find out tomorrow if it is any good
Could I blend the eggs and blueberry mixture ahead and put it in the fridge then heat the milk and mix it together right before making or does it really have to be all done right at the time of consumption?
This recipe looks fabulous, but I’m always curious why recipes call for raw milk, then cook it to kill off the beneficial bacteria.
I made this for the hubby last night and he said the taste was great! For some reason though I had trouble with the consistency. I used my kitchenaid ice cream maker and it usually turns my cream mixture into ice-cream in about 30 min. However, this time the bowl defrosted before the 30 minutes was up and the liquid was just liquidy… any reason this happened?
I have a kitchen aid ice cream maker. I notice the recipe does not call for a chill down period, either over ice or in the refrigerator. You will get much better results if you chill down (not cool) the mix. It was most likely still warm enough to offset the bowl temp. I also keep my bowl in the freezer all the time to insure it is chilled down as much as it can be… (I have chest freezer though).
Is it possible to use 2% milk?
You can use 2%, but I definitely recommend whole:)
i was soooo excited and wanted to make this RIGHT AWAY until i read i need an ice cream maker 🙁 🙁
have none, will not get one
is there another way to make this with out?????
you can find them for around 20.00 at any store or look at thrift shops. You can Try the ziploc bag trick or you can use a jar
I made a chocolate gelato once; it had taken me two days. I had to remove the ice crystals three times or more. I had to strain the ice cream through a cheesecloth and refreeze the ice cream, three times! This was done with the aid if an ice cream maker.
The recipe you‘ve provided sounds like a treat to try. However I’d be interested in making pistachio gelato, my favourite when I had visited Italy! Are you able to offer any substitution for the Pistachio instead of the Blueberries and lemon? A full cup of blueberries and a full lemon (usually two tablespoons) would offset the viscosity I’m sure if it strictly replaced the Pistachio nuts. Would I have to increase the whole milk amount from 2 ½ cups to maybe 3 cups? And use about 1 cup of pistachio nuts , lightly roasted then ground to a powder? Or even have a full cup of ground pistachio? I’m just speculating on the changes and seeking the valued wisdom of your blog viewers! Suggestions are welcomed. I’ll post pics of my results!
I just made some, but mine is not the same gorgeous shade of purple as yours…kind of brownish…hmmm…maybe because I used coconut sugar… BUT it’s still delish!! I’ll try to get a prettier batch next time, but that’s after we EAT this one! 🙂
Hmmm…maybe more blueberries?
My great grandmother used to make sherbert without an ice cream maker. She usef a small (or appropriate) sized shallow sq pan and would stir it well with a fork every 15-20 minutes as it froze, until it was the consistency she wanted. It was great.. I would experiment with this.
you can use honey instead!
why is heating the milk necessary? This looks amazing, can’t wait to try it!!
You have to heat the milk to temper the egg yolks to get the right consistently for gelato. If you don’t heat the milk, your final product will be something different, though it will still be good.
When I make ice cream or gelato, And I start with a custard, when I cook it I add the sugar into the pan. I just find that it helps mix everything a little more thoroughly.
By the way, when she says “slowly add to egg mixture” she means it. You don’t want to cook those egg yolks, you just want them tempered.
Do you know if this would work with almond or coconut milk?
And if you could just freeze the mixture instead of putting it in an icecream maker 🙂
Yes, I need something dairy-free.
It would probably work with almond or coconut milk, but your final consistency will not be the same.
As for an ice cream maker, yes you have to have one. The ice cream maker is what incorporates the air into the ice cream to get an ice cream consistency. If you just freeze it, you have frozen flavored milk.
People often get rid of their ice cream makers because they don’t use them often enough to have them taking up space in the pantry. With a little patience and some effort, you’ll probably be able to find one at a thrift shop pretty cheaply.
What about doing this with ziplock baggies???
I like all these ideas! I say try it and tell us how it turned out!
Oh my goodness, this looks yummy! Thank you for sharing.
Suburban Farm Girl