Welcome to the Homestead Barn Hop! Every week I will give you the opportunity to share your blog posts! Did you share any homesteading related posts on your blog this week? If so, we’d love to have you link up below! Even if you don’t have a blog, we always welcome your comments! Have fun, get to know some new homesteading friends, and be … [Read more...]
Post-Partum Care for Goats
Your goat just had baby goats, now what? Well, after you get over the adorable shock of the adorableness of your adorable new baby goats, then you can begin to think about how to care for mama goat who most likely pushed out some multiple babies. 0-12 hours after birth: MAMA GOAT: Your job is to make sure all the placentas were extracted. This … [Read more...]
12 DIY Raised Garden Bed Tutorials
I absolutely LOVE Raised Garden Beds! I mean, I don't have one or anything. But still, I love 'em. Right now, we just plant our seeds directly into the ground, but we have big plans for an extensive raised garden bed system. Why are we moving to raised garden beds? Well, besides being easier on the ol' back, there are a lot of other … [Read more...]
Homestead Barn Hop #152
Welcome to the Homestead Barn Hop! Every week I will give you the opportunity to share your blog posts! Did you share any homesteading related posts on your blog this week? If so, we’d love to have you link up below! Even if you don’t have a blog, we always welcome your comments! Have fun, get to know some new homesteading friends, and be … [Read more...]
Homemade Animal Salve
I have discovered a natural salve for your animals & pets! If you have animals, you know they are going to get hurt. I don't know about your animals, but mine always seem to get themselves in situations where instant care is needed. As much as I love my animals, I can't afford to run to the vet for every single problem, so I like to turn … [Read more...]
How to Disbud & Dehorn a Baby Goat
What is Disbudding and Dehorning? Disbudding is the term used when the "buds" or tiny "horns" are removed. Dehorning is a term used typically for when horns are removed from older goats, but essentially, when you disbud your goat, you are preventing their horns from growing. Why would I want to Disbud or Dehorn my goat? There's a bit of a debate … [Read more...]
5 Easy-to-Grow Vegetables for the Beginner Gardener!
Trust me, gardening can be easy! A lot of people, myself included, procrastinate when starting their first garden. The fear of failure or past "brown-thumb" experiences seems to hold us back in the backyard gardening department. But no longer! I'm here today to tell you that it CAN be easy to grow some vegetables in your garden! It … [Read more...]
What is Unschooling?
What is unschooling? To put it simply, unschooling is a form of homeschooling but with a little more freedom. The beauty of unschooling is that it can be done in many different ways. Some people homeschool by having a structured schedule, sitting their children down, and working through a curriculum. Unschoolers don't do this. They may use a … [Read more...]
Homemade Carpet Deodorizer {with essential oils}
We have this one funky smelling spot on our carpet. You know what I'm talking about. It's the spot that always gets a cup of water spilled on it. You'd think we would all learn not to place a cup of water in the EXACT. SAME. SPOT, but alas, we don't. And that one spot on our carpet (which happens to be right by the most coveted seat on the … [Read more...]
Homestead Barn Hop #151
Welcome to the Homestead Barn Hop! Every week I will give you the opportunity to share your blog posts! Did you share any homesteading related posts on your blog this week? If so, we’d love to have you link up below! Even if you don’t have a blog, we always welcome your comments! Have fun, get to know some new homesteading friends, and be … [Read more...]
Happy Anniversary Honey! P.S. The Goat has Diarrhea.
I'd like to think that when Kevin was looking for a girl to settle down with, he secretly wished for one that was SUPER into goats and all. I mean, sure, he was totally impressed by my late adulthood braces and my racquetball playing skills (even though I brought a tennis racket), but I just know he was hoping that one day his lover would want … [Read more...]
Homestead Barn Hop #150
Welcome to the Homestead Barn Hop! Every week I will give you the opportunity to share your blog posts! Did you share any homesteading related posts on your blog this week? If so, we’d love to have you link up below! Even if you don’t have a blog, we always welcome your comments! Have fun, get to know some new homesteading friends, and be … [Read more...]
6 Reasons to Keep Backyard Chickens
Who would've thought that chickens would become the most popular pet in 2014? Okay, so maybe chickens aren't exactly the MOST popular pet...yet, but trust me, they will be soon. Give it five years and everybody will be walking their chickens on a leash in the mornings instead of walking their dogs. Sorry, dogs. Learn how to lay eggs and maybe … [Read more...]
March Giveaway!
Hey guys! Wanna win an Amazon Gift Card? For the month of march, I'm giving away an Amazon Gift Card! Pretty cool, eh? I've teamed up with 10 other amazeballs bloggers to present a giveaway that's sure to make anyone happy! Here's the line up of amazing bloggers in this giveaway! COCO's WELL Loula Natural Our Small Hours Food … [Read more...]
Learning Disorder or Genius? Why Parents & Teachers Are Getting It Wrong.
Meet Devin. He loves rockets, Legos and playing Minecraft. He loves to read, but only rocket books in the nonfiction section. His parents think he is probably only looking at the pictures instead of reading the actual words. He tests average in school and struggles with math. Homework is a nightly chore and often there are tears when it comes time … [Read more...]
A Simple Guide to Buying Your First Goat
Buy ALL the goats! If you love goats, want to buy all the goats, and your husband has to block you from Craigslist because all you do all day is search for more adorable goats... This post is JUST for you! Why you need a goat (or 20): I think the first question you should ask yourself is "Why not buy goats?" I mean, seriously, is there … [Read more...]
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