Here we are, ending our third year of homeschooling! It was harder than I thought to document our homeschooling doings for the day. But, because I'm a diligent gal, I kept the camera by my side all day to share with what a day of homeschooling/farming/blogging looks like! I realized a few days ago that I haven't spoke much of homeschooling … [Read more...]
Homemade Wool Tampons
You're not still using those "regular" organic cotton tampons, are you? Oh dear. You and me need to have a chat. Because, I'm sorry to tell you this, but... homemade wool tampons are now the most natural way to go. They're, like, totally what sets you apart from those "wanna be but aren't really" natural folks. Most people … [Read more...]
How to tell if your goat is pregnant
It seems like it should be simple, right? A pregnant goat would look... well, pregnant. The problem is, goats have naturally large stomachs, due to the activity in their rumen. So, figuring out if your goat just has a large stomach or is actually pregnant can be harder than you think. The difference between a bloated rumen and pregnancy: If … [Read more...]
Creating an HOA-approved Backyard Farm in the City
Backyard farming is truly one of the most rewarding things you'll ever do. Sure, some plants will die and you'll make beginner mistakes like the best of us, but your life will become so much richer in the process. Gathering fresh eggs from your chickens and milk from your goats in the morning, along with some chives, kale, and blueberries … [Read more...]
Fruit Trees Galore! What we’ve planted this spring.
It's spring in Arizona, and you know what that means... Everything's rejuvenated, including my passion for growing stuff! I'm definitely not the expert, but I love trying new adventures, even if that means a pretty good chance of failure. Because, what's life with some good ol' failure mixed in, am I right? You fellow homesteaders get … [Read more...]
Supplements for Goats
The best thing about goats... ... is that they do amazingly well on a simple diet. Aside from hay and an occasional bit of grain, they are good to go! Well, except for a few supplements. You see, a goat's basic diet is their foundation. Click here if you want to learn the basics about what goats eat. I truly believe if you can get … [Read more...]
Goats & Minerals: What you need to know
Minerals are the backbone of a goat's diet. Really, they're the backbone of any diet, including yours. Assuming you've got a good foundation of quality food in your goat's diet, now it's time to understand how minerals work to make your goats thrive! When we first had goats we offered a (white) salt mineral block and a (red) trace … [Read more...]
How to Grow an Avocado Tree in the Desert!
Some people say I'm crazy... But those people must not understand the depth of my love for avocados. I mean, not only are there some amazing health benefits from eating avocados, the more avocados I can get in mah belly, the better. So, like any farmer chick, I researched how to grow an avocado tree. Because, guac! So, this girl … [Read more...]
Growing Blueberries in a Desert Climate
Hey, old people... I get it now. I get why you love gardening so much. On the surface, it seems like a boring pastime, full of failed crops and wasted time on food you could just buy at the store. OH, but it is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! I'm just glad that I'm starting young. Because man alive, does gardening feed my … [Read more...]
Goat Diseases: Signs, Symptoms, & Testing From Home
Goat diseases? Ew, gross! I know. I shudder just thinking about it. We've been really fortunate to have very few goat ailments here on the farm. Goats are actually really hardy animals and if given the right diet and environment, can live a long, healthy life. What we don't want is a sickly goat. That's why today I'm going to give ya'll a … [Read more...]
How to Draw Blood from a Goat
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking this might be one of my satire posts. It's not. You're thinking maybe I've gone nuts. I haven't. (not yet at least) You're thinking I may have started to dabble in witchcraft or naked moon dancing rituals. Occasionally, but not today! The practice of raising healthy goats. If your … [Read more...]
Building a Simple Grape Arbor
I'm a simple gal. I mean, here on the homestead we raise chickens for eggs and meat, goats for milk, and sheep for milk and meat. We have a large vegetable garden, pecan, pomelo, mango, banana, cherry, almond, apricot, peach, plum, fig, avocado, and loquat trees as well as a strawberry patch and blueberry and blackberry bushes. I also have plans … [Read more...]
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