Forget Composting! Let Worms do all the Work. Worm castings are an amazing soil amendment, loaded with nutrients in a form plants can use, lots of organic matter, and some other interesting and useful stuff added by the worms. They are crumbly, chocolate-brown, fluffy and fine-textured, and have the rich, sweet aroma of a forest floor. Mmm…mm, … [Read more...]
Grow Your Own Butterfly Garden
Of all the visitors to my garden... Butterflies are perhaps the most magical. There's just something about these gentle creatures with their colorful, dancing wings that makes my garden complete. Many butterflies are attracted to the nectar offered by the colorful flowers I grow in my garden, but nectar-bearing flowers are just part of the story: … [Read more...]
Chicken Plucker: The quickest way to get the job done.
There are two kinds of chicken people in this world. Those who pluck their own, and those who build themselves a chicken plucker because ain't no way in hell they're gonna pluck another chicken ever again. I'm of the latter. (can you tell??) It all started back in 2012 when I decided we were going to try to raise our own meat … [Read more...]
Buying Milking Goats: Everything you need to know
Disclaimer: I'm that weird friend of yours that milks goats. Yep, we have goats right in our backyard and yep, each day we walk outside with a pail and squeeze away until we have about a half gallon of the stuff. After that it gets brought inside to be strained into clean mason jars and chilled in the fridge until we're ready to...that's … [Read more...]
VIDEO | 2017 Spring Tour of our Backyard Farm
Spring is here, and that means it's time for a backyard farm tour! Everything is flourishing here on our farm in Arizona, and before it gets blistering hot, I thought we'd better do a quick tour of the place. Currently we've got 30 fruit & nut trees, egg-laying chickens, milking goats, a veggie garden, and more! We've got lots of plans … [Read more...]
Should you Vaccinate your Goats?
. Goat vaccinations. Vaccination in general can spark strong emotions no matter which side you're on. Whether you decide to use goat vaccinations or not, there are risks you take. My job is to go over them with you and help you make a good decision for your herd of goats. Why are we selective about our vaccinations? Upon the advice from our vet … [Read more...]
GOAT CROSSFIT. Yep, it’s a thing.
YOU GUYS. It happened. I decided to join the crossfit crowd. There's only one difference. I use goats. ENJOY! STORY BEHIND THIS CROSSFIT VIDEO: Each year, I love to satisfy my funny bone and create an April Fool's Day blog post that is sure to get some laughs. It's probably one of the most hilarious times for our … [Read more...]
Homemade Hay Feeder (from FREE materials)
You wanna know what's better than a homemade hay feeder? A homemade hay feeder made COMPLETELY from re-purposed, free, materials! Yep, that's right. We used an old baby's crib to make a homemade hay feeder. Here on our farm lives a guy who's passionate about re-purposing everything. And yes, he drives me crazy. But there are times … [Read more...]
Garden Weeds: The Easiest way to get Rid of them for Good
Garden weeds can be the bane of a gardener's existence. In fact, one of the reasons I procrastinated starting my own garden years ago was because of the weed-pulling. I imagined myself locked into 1 hour per day of weed management, and decided it just wasn't worth it. Now, as a more seasoned gardener, I've realized it's INCREDIBLY … [Read more...]
Homemade Soda: 3 Simple & Delicious Methods
I have a love for ANYTHING-carbonated. There's just something about that fizz I can't stay away from. And so, when life handed me a bag of lemons in the form of health problems...and I found myself turning to whole foods as a way to heal my body, I was determined to find a way to bring that special fizz back into my life. It … [Read more...]
Why did my Chicken lay a Soft Egg?
It happens to the best of us... We take our regular walk to the chicken coop, open the regular door, reach into the regular nesting box... And we get a very IRREGULAR-looking egg. So, what does it mean when a chicken lays a soft egg? And how can you prevent it? Today I'm going to share some of my natural remedies and hopefully ease … [Read more...]
15 Simply Gorgeous Trellis Ideas
Growing stuff. It's my fav. And there's nothing more fun than growing it up trellises. The best part about using a trellis (other than making your garden look spectacular) is that you'll free up a significant amount of space. Because I work so hard to produce fantastic soil here in Arizona, I want to save precious square footage … [Read more...]
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