Buckle up, Folks. It's about to get real very soon, and it's time to make sure you're prepared. This guide will take you through everything you need to know before your goat gives birth. And while all the prep can feel overwhelming, stick with me and I'll make sure you're ready for kids. We've been raising Nigerian Dwarf goats … [Read more...]
The Hybrid Method: How to Dam Raise While Bottlefeeding for Friendly Kids
I am mighty proud of this method! That's right, mighty proud! Over the years we've tried various feeding methods -- bottlefeeding, dam raising, MANY different types of hybrid methods -- but I can finally say I've figured out the best way to hybrid raise and keep your sanity. Let's begin. What is a "The Hybrid Method"? The hybrid method is a way … [Read more...]
Getting Started with Goat Artificial Insemination
Arguably the fastest way to improve your herd, Artificial insemination is becoming more and more popular. As you gain more experience with raising & breeding goats, you'll soon learn that a quality buck can make all the difference in improving your herd. For me, I found it frustrating to find a buck with the right genetics for my girls. Some … [Read more...]
What I learned at the 2021 ADGA Convention
Traveling isn't really my thing ? So when I heard that the annual ADGA convention was coming to Arizona, I knew I should take advantage of it being so close. While I've own ADGA registered goats for 12 years now, I recently have begun to take part in their ADGA Plus program, like milk testing & linear appraisal. And since Crystal from Blue … [Read more...]
The Easiest Shade Structure
In Arizona, shade is a MUST. And it seems like the only option is to purchase triangle shade cloth and tie it as tight as you can. Only problem is -- it never stays tight. And on a windy day or during monsoon season, you have to take it down to prevent it from tearing. After years of struggling with shade fabric that tore or sagged, we wanted … [Read more...]
A Guide to Goat Body Conformation
I used to think people who showed goats were um...interesting. Even though I spent my days milking & caring for my own goats, I could never understand the appeal of shaving them down and walking them around in front of a judge. In the past my focus has been to breed goats for milk & to raise up the friendly … [Read more...]
The BEST Goat Feeder for adults & babies!
Many have asked for the specifics for the goat feeder that we’ve perfected over the last 10 years. It has taken many iterations and testing to be able overcome all of the issues that arise when goats don’t use the feeder the way I’ve told them to a million times. Here she is in all her … [Read more...]
Kidding Positions (and how to assist with them)
When it comes to goat kidding, there's no such thing as being too prepared. And in the heat of the moment, nothing can quicken your heart faster than a mama in trouble. That why I like to have all the resources & tools I can in my birthing kit. On average, goats can do very well on their own when it comes to labor & delivery -- but … [Read more...]
Our Limping Goat: Carpal Hyperextension in Nigerian Dwarfs
It started with Penny. She was a 6 year old Nigerian Dwarf that I purchased from a friend. Her registered name was Red Lotus Ni Hao Kai Lan, but she looked just like a 'Penny' to us, so we gave her the nickname and had high hopes for her becoming a foundation doe on our farm -- given her amazing milking records. Now that I know what I … [Read more...]
Boho Modern Master Bedroom & Bathroom
We did it. We finally, finally -- after living in this house 12 years, tackled the master bedroom & bathroom. It seemed like every time we were ready to give it a go, some other project would demand our attention. You know you're a devoted backyard farmer when you'll spend your energy on a chicken coop while sleeping in a room with … [Read more...]
Our Custom Goat Barn!
And it only took 12 years. 12 years for us to decide it was time to take this goat-raising thing seriously and build a proper barn. Sure, our old DIY pallet shelter worked for a time, but we needed something big and sturdy and ready for pregnant mamas to deliver in. And so, the goat barn project was born. Like any other project here on the … [Read more...]
Goat Diet: Optimal Nutrition & Feeding Tips
A Goat's Diet: You wouldn't think feeding a goat is complicated. I mean, let 'em loose in the overgrown backyard and they'll be happy, right? Unfortunately, no. Surprisingly enough, goats don't prefer grass. Sure, they'll nibble at it a bit, and if it's all that's available they'll force it down, but it's like brussels sprouts to them. They'll … [Read more...]
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