Have you been feeling down lately?
Been overwhelmed at all the wars and fighting and corruption in the world? A little bluesy? Well, then have I got some good news for you! It’ll cheer you right up!
Lacey, my favorite milking goat didn’t die at all!
Enough, let’s get right to the dramatic action-filled story.
So, you remember how I was faced with the awful problem of my fav goat being pregnant with a dead geep??
She had the geep!!!!
Just to be sure, we ultrasounded her and yep, no geep inside anymore.
Danelle! I have 2 Nigerian dwarfs that my Icelandic ram impregnated (rookie homesteader move, I put them together thinking the goats were too young to be messed with, wrong!). They’re due next month and I know the odds of a healthy geep birth are slim to none. Wondering if I should go ahead and buy the herbal product from Fir Meadows and have it on hand? What’s name of product? Didn’t want to guess wrong….
Hi Alex-
This will give you all the things you need to get ready: https://www.weedemandreap.com/goat-pregnancy-delivery-checklist/
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Hi Bobbi, Danelle mentioned a Fir Meadow product she used to help Lacey naturally expel the “no longer alive” geep fetus still inside her. I found one called D Worm A that “supports body in foreign matter removal”. Sounds right, but wanted to confirm this is the right product for this particular issue. Thank you! ?
Hi Alex-
This may be more inline with what you need:
But please consult with Fir Meadows first because they often have suggestions that will be a best fit for your animal and situation. They are the experts on this and can give you the best information.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Hi! I am a travel blogger who just bought a 2.5 acre property in texas! Thank you for your AWESOME blog! I’m bookmarking everything!
And this is why humans are not animals. We do not eat our own geep. Yeesh!
Too funny. I don’t have first hand experience with goats, but my cousin had a couple for a while. Somehow those animals just have a crazy knack for finding trouble. Glad to hear Lacey is ok.
um, there is a very shady game advertisement in the middle of this post. like computerized game porn. yikes! not sure thats what you want in the middle of your blog.
Sorry about that! I installed new ads and I’m trying to block some of the bad ones, thanks for telling me:)
what hapend to lacey
Hi Ryleigh-
Lacey passed a away several years ago.
Thank you -Bobbi (DaNelle’s Assistant)
Thank you for the enlightenment… oh and the laughs! Freaking hilarious by moments!
I’d love to have a farm someday, I still am preparing myself mentally to butcher my own meat… eep! (no no, not geep, eep!)
But I’ll surely do the same thing you did and summon an experienced butcher to teach me all about cultures and technics pertaining to meat, that’d help me a great deal.
Loving your blog, discovered it by reading your omnivores VS vegans blog posts, they were amazingly informative and as a former vegan, they were much appreciated and quite reassuring.
Ok, just read allll of the geep entries. Oh. My. Gosh. I had no idea that was possible!!! Thank you for enlightening me! Now I need to go Google cattle/goats. They’re related, too, right?! I’m glad your fave nanny is ok. Thanks for the chuckles. I love your blog. 😀
Poor dead, DECOMPOSING baby geep. Not much grosses me out, but you got an “erp” out of me on that one. I’m ok with afterbirth. No worries. But…but…but…ick. Oh, and I’m sad you didn’t get to text the photo to your friend. That would have been funny, Also a great party trick for those people who said goats can’t reproduce with sheep. Who knew? 😉
Hmmm, perhaps that is some kind of instinctual thing…
Well if sheep are like cows, they eat their afterbirth, so perhaps that’s what she thought she was doing?
Yeah, goats do the same thing, I just was hoping she wouldn’t!
I LOVE Dog-Shaming! Hilarious. Could a coyote or a hawk snatched it up? Maybe an owl? I just don’t want to think of the possibility of child cannibalism …
Oh, that’s just gross and funny. Poor baby geep.
That’s hilarious! Goats will eat anything, amiright? Is “geep” an actual term or a family word?
Goat definitely have an “acquired” taste. Once we found out she was pregnant, we looked up the definition of a goat/sheep and came across the word geep. I’m pretty sure my husband and I spent 10 full minutes laughing!